It's a show
made for any kind of audio sensitive venue (due 2 the volume knob) ..
(=appr. 15dB up to 80dB if necessary)
I created this show for several practical reasons; the main one is that I often was asked to perform at indoor places with my bulb horn show, while this can give an annoying loud feedback effect; but not with the push knobs ..! They can also give a sort of gong-sustain effect, which is again absent on the horns. The videos are with push bells (one tone only), the others with a red overall come with the genuine push knobs (with a choice between 100 different tones). I also can practise at home now with these knobs..
Mas que nada (steel drums), October - 2022
Irish washerwoman (harp), November 2022
Busking @ market in Spain, January 2023
Rock solid blues (picked bass), November 2022
Ouverture W. Tell (French horn), November 2022
Comptine d'un autre été, Januari - 2019
There are a lot more videos on the you tube channel, or on someone else's.
Together with the streetcircus-show, le gros Coureur and Pierrot Ressort.
Here another link of busking on Circular Quay (AU), Holland's got talent, 'he is horny', 1st performance at Lowlands festival and at the 'drie daagse' in Nijmegen (NL).
Greetings, Teorge Michael (or Michel Beckers).